Monday, 20 April 2015

This one is one of my favs

I remember when I felt the strong urge to write this poem. The words kept popping into my head urging me to write what was being told to me and I knew I had to post it right away on facebook. All these voices felt like they were inside me telling me it was important to write this down and share it immediately. So I did and it is one of my favourite poems I have ever written. I feel like I didn't write it, but was told the message to share it with those who needed it.

It's True

I'm sorry I had to go
I know you didn't want me too

Sometimes there's just no choice

I feel you calling me
I hear you cry for me
I know you feel lost

Please don't cry your tears for me
I am always right near you
Never far from where you are

It's true.
I am never far from you.

You felt me yesterday
Beside you, touching your face
It's true,
I was there, sitting right next to you

Whispering in the trees
That's me
Touching you with the breeze
That's me
Reaching out to let you know
I will never fully go

Don't you loose your faith in life
I am never far from site
I am always by your side

With you.

Just reach out your hand
Let the rain touch your palm
Let the sun soak up the tears
and warm your heart like a hug
Feel my warm embrace with the ones that are around
Feel the goodness in life
and know that I am sound

I'm sorry I had to go
I know you didn't want me too

Sometimes there's just no choice

This is not goodbye
Not when there is a sky
Reaching high above

I am the birds and clouds
The flowers on the ground
The tickle at the back of your neck
It's true

I am touching you.

Just reach out - feel the wind's embrace
Let the caked sand between your fingers break
Tumble free in solid blocks, like raindrops of all things lost
Take a deep breath of life
Let it fill your lungs, alive
You do not stand alone
Not when you can still see life all around………

It's true
It's true
Life is all bursting around you
It's true
I am always standing, watching, dancing too
It's true

With you.

~Deena Thomson~

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